Growing up my main sport was baseball. I played other sports but this was the one that seemed to be the most consistent throughout childhood. Baseball has tons of life lessons packed into it. The one I was thinking about recently is at bats or when you are on offense attempting to hit the ball. Hitting the ball is an incredibly challenging aspect of this sport. It is small and travels at high speeds. It requires hand eye coordination and reaction speed. There are many methods to improving your batting average whether it be hitting the cages to practice or the weight room to increase the power you pack in your swing. Want to know the best way to improve? Get more at bats. More attempts. Keep showing up to the play. This creates more opportunities to succeed or learn from your mistakes. The same goes for your fitness journey. The more you show up the more chances you are giving yourself to improve. You gain more knowledge about your body. You discover what your limits are. Showing up once or twice a week and killing yourself is like trying to hit a home run every single time you go to bat. The odds of success are not high. A better option would be to focus on small victories that are a part of the process. You made it to the gym today. You didn’t PR but you felt much more stable during that Power Clean. Your deadlift weight remained the same but now you have no back pain. Focus on getting on base and you will continue to score runs. Just keep showing up to the plate and keep taking at bats.
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