Don’t Just Survive The Holidays, THRIVE

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Holiday Schedule 2023:

Wednesday 11/22 – Close after noon class

Thursday 11/23 – Closed

Friday 11/24 – Closed

Saturday 11/25 – 9am

Saturday 12/23 – 9am

Monday 12/25 – Closed

Tuesday 12/26 – Closed

Monday 1/1 – Closed

The Holidays are here and while it brings joy, laugher and festivities, it also comes with its fair share of indulgent meals and tempting treats. So what is our stance on this? Like most things, it depends. If you are at a family gathering and their are Grandma’s famous Christmas Cookies or Pumpkin Pie, enjoy! If there is something that you can have any old time, ask yourself are you really going to be bummed out if you don’t eat or drink that thing. Let’s break down some more ways to make sure you THRIVE instead of survive this holiday season.

1. Set Realistic Goals:

  • This time of year can be crazy so you have to be real with yourself. Rather than going for perfection, focus on maintaining your current fitness level. This will help you stay on track without feeling overwhelmed.

2. Plan Your Workouts:

  • Schedules will be all over the place during this time of year. Plan ahead. For some, starting your day with some intentional movement will allow you to feel energized and ready to enjoy the rest of the day. For others, you may want to use this as an opportunity to sleep in and let your body recover. Light movement later in the day will still be great way to stay on track.

3. Make Smart Food Choices ;

  • Like we said above, if it is something that is special to you, enjoy it. Hell enjoy it two or three times. There should be no guilt around something you get an opportunity to enjoy once a year. Another way to think of this is, one party, one day even is going to derail you from your goals. It is treating the everyday of this time of year like it doesn’t matter that will leave you feeling bad and like you are now so far off track.

4. Stay Hydrated:

  • With the colder temps and the business of the season, it is easy to forget to drink water. Staying hydrated is crucial. This will help you stay more full as well as leave you feeling better the next day after some indulging.

5. Prioritize Recovery:

  • Let’s be real, for some if not most, the holidays can be stressful but it doesn’t have to be. With time away from work, this is a great opportunity to slow down and relax. Do some meditation or breathing techniques each day. Enjoy the time with family and set some healthy boundaries with those who induce your stress. Let your nervous system calm down.

6. Be Active Outside The Gym:

  • Go for walks. Go for hikes. Go for bike rides. Do the Turkey Trot or Santa Fun Run.

For those of you looking for some fun ways to hit your workouts at home, check out these that require pretty much no equipment:

Every Minute On The Minute For 30 Minutes:

Min 1- 10-15 Air Squats

Min 2- :45 Plank Hold

Min 3- 10-15 Push-Ups

2 rounds for time:

50 air squats

50 push-ups

50 Sit-Ups

Every Minute On The Minute for 30 minutes:

Min 1- 16-20 Alternating Reverse Lunges

Min 2- 16-20 Mountain Climbers

Min 3- 5-10 Strict Pull-Ups or Towel Rows (sub push-ups, if needed)

5 sets of:

15-20 burpees as fast as possible Straight into:

Max effort push-up

-Rest ‪2:00‬ between sets-

“Death by Burpees”

Start at 1 burpee the first minute and add a rep each minute until failure.‬

20 minute AMRAP:

20 Air Squats (or pistols)

15 Burpees

10 Strict Pull-Ups (sub v-ups)

3×3 AMRAP:

AMRAP in 3 minutes:

Air squats

-Rest ‪2:00‬-

AMRAP ‪in 3 minutes:


-Rest ‪2:00‬-

AMRAP ‪in 3 minutes:
